Our Commitment to Integrity and Transparency

Honesty and Transparency

  • We will always be truthful.

  • We will always provide clear and accurate information about who we are, what we do, and how your donation is used.

  • We will be able to transparently explain our fundraising expenses and demonstrate that they are in the best interest of our cause.

  • Our complaints process will be accessible and easy to navigate.

Accountability and Responsibility

  • We will use our resources wisely, ensuring that fundraising efforts respect the trust placed in us by our supporters and the public.

  • We prioritise the security of your personal information and will never sell or exchange your data.

  • A formal complaints procedure will be available upon request.

  • If you are dissatisfied with our response to a complaint, we will provide details on how to escalate concerns to the appropriate regulatory body.

  • Feedback, both positive and critical, is valued, and we will address concerns with care and professionalism.

  • We will only collaborate with fundraising partners who align with our values and mission.

  • We will track and report the number of complaints received annually, sharing this information with relevant regulatory authorities when required.

Fairness and Ethical Code

  • We will always respect the rights, dignity, and privacy of those who support our work and those we serve.

  • Where legally required, we will obtain consent before reaching out for fundraising purposes and will never engage in unsolicited phone calls.

  • We will take special care to recognise and support donors who may be in vulnerable situations.

  • We are committed to ethical communications and will avoid using imagery or language designed to cause unnecessary distress.